VARIOUS - Killed By Bloodstains #1 LP History Of East European Punk Rock

Image of VARIOUS - Killed By Bloodstains #1 LP History Of East European Punk Rock


*couple more coloured vinyl editions added, last ones*

1976 is considered "Year Zero" in punk rock history. In American and British cities young punks formed bands and kickstarted a musical revolution. Music from the West slowly found its' way through the Iron Curtain and fascinated people with its' short and powerful songs full of frustration.

Also in 1976 - The Eastern Bloc and Yugoslavia gave birth the first punk band PARAF (from Croatia/Yugoslavia). Punk rock had started spreading to young people dissatisfied with the current political situation. With shortages of good music equipment and 1% chance to record their music in studios, the bands and fans recorded their music on cassettes during rehearsals and live gigs. The sound of bands from each country is different from various tape recorders and musical skills, but representing unique punk rock groups, which never had a opportunity to release their music in official way.

17 cuts from 1978-79, mainly the former-Yugoslavia but also Hungary, Poland and Czechoslovakia, including PARAF, PROPELLER, ALEX PUNK COMPANY, KRYZYS, SPIONS INC, ENERGIE G, POEROCKS and SPIONS.

110 copies on green/yellow blob vinyl, 250 black


  • Black vinyl - 50% in stock
  • Green vinyl - 0% in stock
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